Help Arsina Bibi Fight Blood Cancer and Support Her Family

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Short Summary

Arsina Bibi, a 27-year-old housewife from West Bengal, has been diagnosed with blood cancer. As a mother of two small children, she urgently needs your support. Her husband, a laborer, cannot afford the treatment expenses at Tata Memorial Hospital. Please help save Arsina and keep her family together.

About Fundraiser

Arsina Bibi, a young 27-year-old mother from West Bengal, is facing a life-threatening battle with blood cancer. She is currently receiving treatment at Tata Memorial Hospital, but the costs are overwhelming for her family. Arsina's husband, Tamijuddin, works as a laborer, and his income is barely enough to meet their daily needs, let alone cover the high medical expenses. With two small children depending on her, Arsina's condition has put immense emotional and financial strain on her family. They are struggling to make ends meet and cannot afford the life-saving treatment she desperately needs. We are reaching out to you, kind-hearted individuals, to help Arsina in her fight against blood cancer. Your generous contributions will go directly towards her medical expenses, giving her a chance to recover and be there for her children. Every donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in Arsina's life. Please join us in supporting Arsina Bibi and her family during this difficult time. Together, we can give her hope and a chance at a healthier future. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

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